4 Haziran 2015 Perşembe


• Use in the Classroom
Glogster is a great technology tool to use in the classroom because it is so flexible. You can use it for biographies, time lines, math formulas, instructional writing, experiment results, spelling plural verbs, country or state profiles, and much more. Many EFL teachers love it for its visual impact, and teachers from elementary all the way up to high school can find a use for this classroom technology. Basically, any poster you can do on paper, can be done better as a glog. You can share them on interactive whiteboards, on LCD projectors, or embed them in class websites or student blogs. Glogs can be worked on in school and out of school. Best of all, students love to create glogs. When you integrate technology into an area of education where it is not traditionally used, it instantly becomes a great motivator for students.

This my wall to introduce all the issues which found on my blog ;

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